The other day one of my clients sent me a screenshot from one of their users and they asked me if I could figure out what version of IE they were using just by the screenshot. I realized I couldn't. I knew IE 6 had the XP looking icons in the top but I really didn't know what else was different between the version. My goal is to continue to update this post as new versions come out so feel free to bookmark it.

IE 6 on Windows XP


IE 7 on Windows XP


IE 8 on Windows XP


IE 8 on Windows 7

7 IE8

IE 9 on Windows 7

7 IE9

IE 10 on Windows 7

7 IE10

IE 11 on Windows 7

7 IE11

IE 10 Desktop on Windows 8

8 IE10 Desktop

IE 11 Desktop on Windows 8.1

8.1 IE11 Desktop

Overall, 9, 10 and 11 are all extremely similar and I'm guessing this will be the layout going forward.