Link Post and Podcast Roundup: August and September Edition
I didn't feel like I had enough for a August version. Enjoy:
Amazon Web Services in Plain English
I don't know why Amazon has to make this so complicated but this is a good guide. I actually didn't even know they had some of these services.
JS-YAML demo. YAML JavaScript parser.
I found this to be super helpful when finding a problem with a YAML document.
DevOps team topologies
This is the best image I've seen to explain what DevOps is:
I'm going to adding this to some of my higher level input validation UnitTests ASAP.
AT&T Hotspots: Now with Advertising Injection
This is the problem with free services. It's never free.
I Had a Baby and Cancer When I Worked at Amazon. This Is My Story
I find it interesting how some employees aren't happy with the working conditions at Amazon and some are. I don't have any solutions I just find it interesting.
Learning to code is overrated: An accomplished programmer would rather his kids learn to read and reason
There’s nothing wrong with basic exposure to computer science. But it should not come at the expense of fundamental skills such as reading, writing and mathematics — and unfortunately today our schools, with limited time, have tons of pressure on them to convey those basics better.
As someone who hires programmers I understand the need for them right now but I don't think everyone needs to know how to program. Spelling and grammar are WAY more important in my opinion.
Incase of Fire
Podcast: FLOSS Weekly 351: Kubernetes
Another cool project I wish I had time to look into.
Podcast: FLOSS Weekly 350: NTP
I found this podcast to be scary. We have a lot of FLOSS software out there that's key to everything working correctly and it really sounds like the NTP project needs help.
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
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