Link Post and Podcast Roundup: July 2015 Edition
The Verge's web sucks
It's information like this that makes me happy I'm not dependent on ad revenue for my lively hood. I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I were in their shoes.
The decline of Stack Overflow
I think 90% of my google searches are now answered using on of the Stack Exchange sites but this article make some good points.
i want hue
I used this to get a bunch of colors for a graphing program that needed a bunch of colors.
Shields IO
I wasn't aware there were this many projects that had these shields. It's a little crazy if you ask me.
What It’s Like to Work for a Bad Contracting Company
In my line of work, I get to see a whole lot of SQL Server projects – both good and bad – and work with the teams involved in building them. More often than not, I see contracting companies who have taken some disturbing shortcuts with horrifying results.
See, bad contracting companies have a huge sales force that goes out and asks customers, “Hey, what problems are you having? Sure, we can solve those. Just sign here.” They make impossible promises about their – well, YOUR – capabilities and timelines.
PDF Rotate
I had a client email me a PDF that was rotated 90 degrees and they wanted it posted. This page made it a quick fix.
Improved Server Defaults in 5.7
The items that I know needed to be changed are nice to see but I wonder how many pieces of software are going to break because of this and the quick fix is going to be change the settings back. Still a good step forward for new deployments.
This post has some examples of what will happen.
MySQL Extension, Going, Going, almost Gone
I was thinking I was going to need to write a wrapper to upgrade the old mysql_* functions in my code but it looks like someone has already done that.
Developer Escapades: Recruitment Redflags
This one is my favorite:
5 years experience – that framework came out 2 years ago!
Podcast: Systems Thinking: Less Coding, More Thinking with Kishau Rogers
An interesting discussion on how to thing about how our code fits into the bigger picture. I know we've had conversations about features that seemed like a quick no brainier but then ate up a lot of time adding refinements and fixing bugs.
Podcast: Relationships, Geek Culture, and Raising Nerds with Anjuan Simmons
Another interesting conversation about geeks and how they fit in with normals. Also some comic book talk that went a little over my head...
Podcast: How to Prewire a Meeting
I don't have to do this type of meeting much but this has some helpful times (including to practice fully [not just read the slides in your head]).
Podcat: Corey Haines - The 4 Rules of Simple Design
In this episode, Adam talks to Corey Haines, author of "Understanding the 4 Rules of Simple Design". They talk about the importance of low-level design decisions, tricks for naming things well, why you shouldn't model your objects after the real world, and of course, Active Record.
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
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