Moving From Wordpress To Jekyll - Data Cleanup
Time to do some cleanup.
Jekyll supports defining authors in one place (I’ve added them to my _config.yml) but for some reason the import process added the following to all my posts:
login: warren5236
display_name: Scott Keck-Warren
first_name: Scott
last_name: Keck-Warren
This can be replaced with the following in each of my posts:
author: warren5236
So much easier. :-)
Because the text was the same for every page I was able to do a “Find in Folder” in Sublime Text and be done with it.
Another thing that was pulled in was this meta information at the top of each post:
_edit_last: '3'
_spost_short_title: ''
author: warren5236
The annoying part is that it wasn’t the same everywhere:
_edit_last: '3'
dsq_thread_id: '4407502440'
author: warren5236
This required a little more work. I used the following regular expression to find meta: to author and then I replaced it with author.
Embedded YouTube
Using Wordpress I was able to add the following to a post and have it fill in the correct YouTube video:
But that doesn’t work in Jekyll (not that I really expected it too). The only way I found to fix this was to open the link individually and grab the new embed code. It’s a good thing there were only a couple posts with videos.
Code Samples
The code samples I had in Wordpress came into Jekyll like this:
<pre><code>public static function testFunction()</code></pre>
Which outputs like this:
public static function testFunction()
This is okay but Jekyll supports highlights that looks way better:
public static function testFunction()
By using blocks like this:
{% highlight php5 startinline %}
public static function testFunction()
{% endhighlight %}
I’m not going to kill myself fixing all of these but I am going to go through the posts that get the most traffic and fix them.
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
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