Today marks the one month mark of my move to Jekyll so I thought I would recount some issues I’ve run into.


On my Wordpress installation I installed a plugin that redirected RSS subscribers from the feed hosted on the site to Feedburner so I could get statistics about all of you who are subscribing. I checked my statistics and my subscribers went to zero:

Zero Subscribers

The problem was that the link on my Wordpress install pointed to /feed/ and the plugin redirected the folder to the correct Feedburner URL. The fix was to add a redirect to the site’s configuration:

# redirect /feed/ to feedburner
Redirect 301 /feed

Increase in 404 errors

On the 15th, I received the following error in my email:

Googlebot identified a significant increase in the number of URLs on...

I check the errors and it was mostly /category/ and /tag/ pages that Wordpress creates automatically. Normally people don’t usually use these so I’m not too worried.

Broken Images in RSS

I only post some images but I noticed that the following happened when I looked at my RSS feed:

Broken Images in RSS

The fix to this is to prepend all image links with {{site.url}}.


The horrible downside to this is that {{site.url}} is and not dependent on what’s being served (which makes sense). So I have to upload all my images to the live server when I’m checking my post because it looks like this otherwise:

Broken Images in Post