Link Post and Podcast Roundup: February 2018 Edition
February’s links.
One Hour of Side Project Coding a Day*— a New Year’s Resolution Worth Making
I like this idea so much I added a response.
How I Got Paid $0 From the Uber Security Bug Bounty
Yet another reason not to spend money on an Uber. I don’t understand how this company can continue to make stupid marketing mistakes.
The Debugging Golden Rule
Don’t question others until you’ve questioned yourself.
I used to work at a place where the opposite of this was the mantra. We had two people that worked there and their default response was “It must be something else”. Every time I came to them I would have to have proof it was and it was annoying. I always default to the quote above.
Why Raspberry PI isn’t Vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown
This is the best explanation of these “bugs” I’ve seen. It’s super complicated so I don’t know how anyone could explain this to a non-technical person.
The Stress of Remote Working
I’ve been working remotely for almost 6 years now and I think most of these stressors can be mitigated if you work on them.
Electron is Cancer
Atom uses around around one gigabyte of memory to edit a single medium sized file.
I love the idea of Electron but there must be more performant way to do it.
Automatically Managing Personal and Work GIT Configurations
My solution to this is to have two completely separate logins on my laptop so I’m glad to see a better solution.
Podcast: Legacy Code Rocks - Replace or Remodel with Scott Hanselman
An excellent interview about supporting software that’s using “old” technology.
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
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