Link Post and Podcast Roundup: November 2018 Edition
November’s links.
Backdoored images downloaded 5 million times finally removed from Docker Hub by Dan Goodin
Why it’s Time to Retire the Software MVP by @j3ffwi11iam5
The misconception that it should be is most prevalent among new startups, who are focused on the word “minimum.” They’re interested in how they can spend the least amount of money on their project.
Thinking in packages by @simonhamp
If you’re in the mindset of writing and using your own Composer packages, no doubt you’ve come across the following problem:
“How do I keep the (frequently updated) package code in the main application up to date in development without having to run composer update all of the time?”
Comic: Reading an article on your phone in 2018
How to Decide When to Use Serverless by Vince Power
Well, OK — Serverless computing isn’t the right fit for every app. But in many cases, it can improve performance, as well as cost efficiency.
Podcast: Hanselminutes - A new kind of STEM learning with Laron Walker by @hanselminutes
As a geek and a parent, I’ve been trying to come up with a reason to “need” a 3D printer. This is just another reason.
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
Top Posts
- Working With Soft Deletes in Laravel (By Example)
- Fixing CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix Makefiles"
- Upgrading to Laravel 8.x
- Get The Count of the Number of Users in an AD Group
- Multiple Vagrant VMs in One Vagrantfile
- Fixing the "this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB" error
- Changing the Directory Vagrant Stores the VMs In
- Accepting Android SDK Licenses From The OSX Command Line
- Fixing the 'Target class [config] does not exist' Error
- Using Rectangle to Manage MacOS Windows