Truthy and Falsy in PHP

In PHP it’s fairly common to see the if statement.

$booleanValue = true;
if ($booleanValue) {

if (!$booleanValue) {

We run across these all the time and can easily understand what happens when we pass them a true or false value. However what happens when the condition of the if statement is an object, a string, or a number?

What Is Truthy/Falsy?

Loosely typed languages like PHP allow us to use any kind of variable as if it was a boolean value in our if statements.

$valueString = 'hello';

if ($valueString) {

When PHP needs to evaluate the if statement it converts our variable into something is can represent as a boolean. Ideally this would be a true or false but in PHP it will convert any variable into something it can represent as one of those two values. This is where “truthy” and “falsy” come in. A variable that isn’t true or false can be truthy or falsy.

Some Examples

Luckily for us there’s a logical consistency with how PHP type juggles our variables into truthy and falsy. For the most part the logic is that anything “empty” is falsy and anything with a value is truthy.


0 is falsy but 1 or -1 are truthy.

if (0) {
    // not here
} else {
    echo "False";

if (1) {
    echo "True";

if (-1) {
    echo "True";


Empty arrays are falsy but arrays with a value are truthy.

if ([]) {
    // not here
} else {
    echo "False";

if (['a value']) {
    echo "True";


Empty strings are falsy but strings with a value are truthy.

if ('') {
    // not here
} else {
    echo "False";

if ('a value') {
    echo "True";


null values are falsy.

if (null) {
    // not here
} else {
    echo "False";