Truthy and Falsy in PHP

In PHP it’s fairly common to see the if
$booleanValue = true;
if ($booleanValue) {
if (!$booleanValue) {
We run across these all the time and can easily understand what happens when we pass them a true
or false
value. However what happens when the condition of the if
statement is an object, a string, or a number?
What Is Truthy/Falsy?
Loosely typed languages like PHP allow us to use any kind of variable as if it was a boolean value in our if
$valueString = 'hello';
if ($valueString) {
When PHP needs to evaluate the if
statement it converts our variable into something is can represent as a boolean. Ideally this would be a true
or false
but in PHP it will convert any variable into something it can represent as one of those two values. This is where “truthy” and “falsy” come in. A variable that isn’t true
or false
can be truthy or falsy.
Some Examples
Luckily for us there’s a logical consistency with how PHP type juggles our variables into truthy and falsy. For the most part the logic is that anything “empty” is falsy and anything with a value is truthy.
is falsy but 1
or -1
are truthy.
if (0) {
// not here
} else {
echo "False";
if (1) {
echo "True";
if (-1) {
echo "True";
Empty arrays are falsy but arrays with a value are truthy.
if ([]) {
// not here
} else {
echo "False";
if (['a value']) {
echo "True";
Empty strings are falsy but strings with a value are truthy.
if ('') {
// not here
} else {
echo "False";
if ('a value') {
echo "True";
values are falsy.
if (null) {
// not here
} else {
echo "False";
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
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