Midwest PHP 2018 Notes: Intro to Laravel and getting started in the Laravel Ecosystem by Joe Ferguson (@joepferguson)
Joe used a tutorial he wrote and condensed it into this talk. He ran out of time but I’m amazed at how much he covered in 45 minutes. I also find it interesting that while Symfony and Laravel are competitors they both seem very similar.
Main Take Aways
- Laravel has a large ecosystem of both free and pay for components made by a wide variety of people.
- Laravel code is very expressive and favors convention over configuration
- My spell check hates the word “Laravel”
Things I’m Going to Do
Try Laravel.
My Raw Notes
- Book options
- Laravel Up and Running
- Easy Laravel 5
- Laravel is a full stack framework
- If you learn well from videos Laracasts is a good resource
- Laravel has lots of tools
- Lumen
- Envoyer - zero downtime deploys
- Forge - server management
- Spark - SaaS for laravel apps
- Laravel Homestead - VM for Laravel apps
- Laravel Cashier - Spark but open source
- LTS - bugs fixes 2 years and security fixes for 3 years
- LaravelShift.com tool to upgrade from one version to another
- Can use Laravel application or composer create-project
- Homestead is a collection of tools to get a Vagrant Box running
- Has elastic search
- Can use as a composer dependency
- Don’t version control Homestead.yaml
- Throw .example on the end
- app folder -> our logic
- In database folder
- factories to create data
- migrations to make schema changes
- public folder
- index.php does all the work
- resources folder
- all assets
- views folder contains blade templates
- routes folder
- one route file for each types (api, channels, console, web)
- channels - for broadcasting events
- migrations
- up method - how to make change
- down method - how to reverse
- columns defined through functions
- Should always write a down function but presenter doesn’t
- Database seeders
- Tell how many we want of a type to be created for testing
- Artisan
- command line tool
artisan make:migration create_widgets_table
artisan migrate
runs through migrations that haven’t been run yetartisan make:model Widget
- In model
- fillable array determines what we’re interested in
Scott Keck-Warren
Scott is the Director of Technology at WeCare Connect where he strives to provide solutions for his customers needs. He's the father of two and can be found most weekends working on projects around the house with his loving partner.
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