
Link Post and Podcast Roundup: December 2018 Edition

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December’s links.

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Fixing Jekyll (and Other Ruby Gems [maybe]) After Mojave Update (10.14)

Jekyll Logo

I’m not a huge fan of installing the latest and greatest version of anything until it’s had a chance to bite other people when it breaks. So I was a little annoyed when I finally updated to Mojave (10.14) and received the following error:

/usr/local/bin/jekyll: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

This post exists to hopefully provide help to other people when they run into this issue.

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Using MySQL's INFORMATION_SCHEMA to Find Large Tables

MySQL Logo

Every so often it’s a good idea to see where your server’s used hard drive space is going. You can use df to troubleshoot but it’s also nice to have a quick query to see which tables are using the most space. With this information you can determine what to do to fix it (if anything).

Please note: All examples in this article were written using MySQL 5.5 and done in a development environment. Please do not try this in a production environment unless you are sure of the ramifications.

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Link Post and Podcast Roundup: November 2018 Edition

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November’s links.

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Fixing Performance Problems with MySQL's Slow Log

MySQL Logo

In my previous post, Messing with MySQL’s Global State, I talked about how to use the set command inside MySQL to change variables. In this post, I will explain how you can use the set command to turn on MySQL’s slow query log and what to do with it.

Please note: All examples in this article were written using MySQL 5.5 and done in a development environment. Please do not try this in a production environment unless you are sure of the ramifications.

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Messing with MySQL's Global State

MySQL Logo

One of the things I like about MySQL is that it allows you to change some of its global state as it’s running. This article will provide a quick overview of how to view the current variables and how to make changes.

Please note: All examples in this article were written using MySQL 5.5 and done in a development environment. Please do not try this on a production environment unless you are sure of the ramifications.

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An Update

An Update Logo - random noise image

In the next couple weeks our family will be welcoming an addition to our family. We’ve actually been spending the last several months working like crazy around the house trying to get everything in order. I’m anticipating that the frequency of my updates to this site and the length of the articles will slide a little but I’m dedicated to continue to generate helpful items even if they’re not long form. Hopefully in the fall I’ll be able to get back on a regular schedule.

Also as part of my trying random stuff with social media and seeing what sticks, I’m going to start posting little images on our Twitter and Facebook Pages. You can follow us or follow #TPTTeachMeSomething.

Link Post and Podcast Roundup: July 2018 Edition

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July’s links.

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Using `git add -p` to cleanup your commits

Git Logo Git Logo from

As a developer, I don’t find it natural for me to do just one thing to my code base between commits. I end up cleaning up a couple things as I’m working on a new feature or bug ticket or even lump together two tickets that touch the same module. To this end, some of my commits ended up looking like this:

git add .
git commit -m "Fixed stuff not really sure of everything but whatever"

Eventually, I (or even worse someone else) would try to figure out what happened in that commit and have no idea because of the shitty commit message. That all changed the day I learned about git add -p.

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Using MySQL With the Symfony Demo Application

PHP Logo I’m fiddling with the Symfony Demo Application for an article I’m researching and I wanted to use it with MySQL instead of SQLite (which it defaults to). In order to make this change I had to do the following:

1. Change .env to Use MySQL

Open your .env file and find the following line:


And change it to the following:


2. Reset the Database

$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
$ php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

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