The other day I tweated a link to One Hour of Side Project Coding a Day*— a New Year’s Resolution Worth Making by Andy O’Sullivan for two reasons. The first was that I found the article to be interesting (which is why I felt it was worth sharing) and the other was that I was already planning on doing something similar. My plan this year is to spend thirty minute (instead of an hour) every night working on side projects. It won’t necessarily be coding because I want to work on this blog and my wife and I have plans to expand her business that I can only do at night.
Sticking with Andy’s “there are no rules” rule I also have a set of guildlines:
Read MoreWe’re storing user uploaded files using Rackspace’s Cloud Files. We have a process that allows the user to upload to our server and then we “lazy” upload it to Rackspace. We do this because there have been a couple cases where we can’t cleanly upload them (due to a bug in our code) and having the local copy has made people feel better (we’re going to slowly roll this back once we determine we’re in good shape). As part of this process, we verify the file has been uploaded (making sure the file size in Cloud Files matches the file size on disk) and then we upload the file to a separate container in a different region so we have a backup (some of these files can’t be recreated so we’re being overly cautious).
Read MoreAs I normally try to do this time of year it’s time take a little retrospective on what’s been done over the last year and what I want to accomplish in the coming year.
Read MoreThe other day we had a problem on one of our servers that caused the memory usage to skyrocket. After this event our shared Gluster drive was inaccessible by this server. While troubleshooting I received the following message:
ls: cannot access shared: Transport endpoint is not connected
After a lot of high pressure Google searches I found the following works to fix this:
fusermount -uz /path/to/mount
mount /path/to/mount
Hopefully, this will help someone else as well.
There are a couple features inside the “View” menu that will really help you maximize your efficiency in Sublime Text. This article goes through several of those options and where it’s helpful.
Read MoreThe other day I was working on a unit test that ran against a Zend Framework 1 controller and I couldn’t figure out what the actual contents of the body was. In order to get the full text, I had to dig into Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase to determine I could access it using:
For some reason I had a hard time finding this using Google so I figured I should document it here.
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