
Link Post: The Origins of the Tag


I've been using PhoneGap for a recent mobile application that we're developing for a client. During development I found a super helpful library in nomad.

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Link Post: My Email is a Monster

The Oatmeal gets it, again.

Link Post: Gulp Cheatsheet

Optimal Colors for Graphs[in RGB Hex]

I've been using jqxChart for a bunch of projects and it works okay. It's great if you're working on a fixed set of columns but it can be a bit of a pain if the columns are generated dynamically. But I ran head long into a real problem this week because if you have more than four series on the same graph by default it uses some very similar blue colors.

I figured there must be a better way to do this and after an extremely quick Google search I found this article:

Optimal Colors for Graphs

The article includes this graph which is super helpful if you're using Excel (which the blog post references) but I needed to use it in a CSS document so I needed to convert it from decimal RGB to hex RGB and I figured I could post the results so others could use them.


#7293CB #E1974C #84BA5B #D35E60 #808585 #9067A7 #AB6857 #CCC210

Lines and Points

#396AB1 #DA7C30 #3E9651 #CC2529 #535154 #6B4C9A #922428 #948B3D

Link Post: How to End Every User Group and Conference Presentation

It’s a long road between these points, but the first step is an easy one. Just close every talk with ten words:

  1. To learn more, go here.
  2. And for help, contact me.

Fixing the "you haven't installed Xcode Command Line Tools properly" Error on Yosemite

I recently upgraded my laptop to Yosemite from Mavericks (which has been a great upgrade) and a couple days ago I was trying to install nomad but I was receiving an odd error.

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Link Post: Your company WILL be a software company

There are lots of really great existing software solutions for typical business problems today. Must Win relies on a few: Google apps, Slack, ZenPayroll, and several others. We love them, and they brought us far. But with all of these third-party tools, you will inevitably reach a point where you wish it did something a little differently. Often, you end up needing to do some development work to get what you want out of it.

At Zimco, we're focused on creating custom software solutions so normally people come to us when they can't find an off the shelf solution. But I'm amazed at how many times I can find software that does 90% of what they need but because that 10% is so critical to their business that they need to pay tens of thousands of dollars to custom build what they really need. It's better for us when we can use an API to interact with a third party so we can add that additional 10% for them instead of having to write 100% of a new solution.

Why You Should Put a Ticket In

Hello, if you're seeing this it means that a programmer who loves you doesn't love how you're contacting them with technical problems. Below are some of the reasons you shouldn't be contacting them directly but instead should enter a ticket into your ticketing system.
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Link Post: Sublime Text for Front End Developers


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