
Ready to level up your knowledge of Laravel? Checkout out these articles!

How To Work With Enumerations in Laravel Framework 9

Laravel 9 was released on February 8th, 2022 and it came with some nice new features that we want to highlight.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to work with enumerations in Laravel Framework 9+

Upgrading From Laravel 8.x to Laravel 9.x

Laravel 9 was released on 2/8/2022 and in this article, we’ll describe how to update our applications from Laravel 8 to Laravel 9.

If you’re upgrading from a previous version make sure you check out our article on how to upgrade to Laravel 8. You’ll have to upgrade through each version one at a time.

Working With Soft Deletes in Laravel 8 and 9 (By Example)

The annoying thing about deleting data from a database is that it’s gone forever. We can’t even look at the data to see if we needed it because it’s gone. If we need the data back, our only solution will be to restore a backup and hope we have the backup just before it was deleted so the loss is minimized.

Thankfully, Laravel provides a built-in feature that allows us to flag database rows as deleted without actually deleting them from the database. This article/video discusses how to use Soft Deletes in Laravel.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Schedules

Scheduled tasks will be a core part of our application’s life cycle. We need to be able to send invoices every month and reminder users of upcoming items. Laravel provides a clean interface for quickly setting up scheduled tasks.

Running Unit Tests With Artisan's Test Runner

In the 7.x branch, Laravel added an artisan test command which acts as a wrapper for PHPUnit. It provides information about the tests as they’re running and stops on the first failure unlike PHPUnit’s default behavior of running all the tests and showing all the failures. It also provides a nice output when the tests fail.

The following article will provide a brief overview of how we can use it and quickly compare it to phpunit.

Creating Reusable Bootstrap Elements With Laravel's Make:Component

Bootstrap is a good system for getting an application’s layout started and it comes with lots of helpful user interface elements that we can use in our application. The downside, is there tends to be a lot of duplication in our source code to support these elements. Thankfully, Laravel added components in the 7.x branch which will allow us to reduce that duplication.

Fixing the 'Target class [config] does not exist' Error

The other day I pushed a new test to our Jenkins server and I received the following error.

1) Tests\Unit\NewTest::testIfDeletedBeforeStartDateThenWrongHire
Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException: Target class [config] does not exist.
Caused by
ReflectionException: Class config does not exist

The issue was that I had forgotten to include parent::setup() in the test class’ setup() function.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Queues

Work queues allow you to perform tasks that are slow or error-prone outside of the current user’s request to improve their experience with your site. Read on to learn how you can use work queues in Laravel for your projects.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Route Commands

There are three route commands that we need to quickly cover in order to be completionist in this process of going over every artisan command.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Seeders

Now that we have discussed creating factories, we can look at how to use these factories to seed our database with test data.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Factories

Now that we know how to create tests, it’s time we looked at how we can use factories to generate test data quickly and easily.

Converting Laravel 6.x Migrations to MySQL

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I’ve had trouble knowing what to put in my migrations’ up() and down() functions. The Laravel Docs include a lot of information but I wanted a quick reference guide for myself to convert Laravel migrations to MySQL commands because that’s what I’m used to. :-)

I also spend some time compiling this into a Cheetsheet if you want a printable version of this post.

Debugging the Eloquent Query Builder

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The other day I had an Eloquent query that wasn’t returning what I expected it to. I started looking for a way to determine what was happening “under the hood” so to speak. It turns out it’s very simple.

Defining Relationships In Laravel 5.6 and 6.x

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I wanted to take a quick break in my barrage of Artisan posts to write about defining one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in Laravel’s Eloquent. Eloquent also supports one-to-one relationships but I felt like those are used so rarely that I could skip it.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Development Helpers

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Here are two useful commands that you can use every day and one that’s good for getting yourself setup.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: Quickies

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As I’ve been organizing the flow of this series there’s a random set of commands that don’t really have a good home. I thought I would cover them now so they’re out of the way.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: migrate

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Now that we’ve learned how to create our migrations it’s time to discuss how to work with them using the migrate family of commands.

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands: make:migration

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Let’s start with my favorite feature so far: database migrations. I’m going to start with this command because I think it’s one of the more critical components and because the next article will involve working with them. :-)

What the F*ck Is With All the Artisan Commands

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At work, we’re moving our application from Zend Framework to Laravel. I don’t have much experience with Laravel so I’ve been working my way through Laravel 5.7 From Scratch . I’ve been amazed at how easy it is to work with Laravel but I’m overwhelmed by Artisan’s list of available commands. My goal over the next several weeks is to look at each command and determine why it’s there and when the command should be used. Mostly due to my own self interested but hopefully others will find it helpful.
